Jojo Walks, Now Playing

Five months ago, Jojo walked across her school’s gymnasium independently. No walker, nobody holding her hand. One of the paraprofessionals in Jojo’s classroom caught it on video and texted it to me. I happened to be visiting my dad at the time, more than halfway across the country. We watched the video over and over. My dad pumped his fist. Neither of us said much.

It was one of of those moments when words cannot sufficiently capture the moment. The importance of it, the meaning of it, what it means for Jojo’s future. How I was feeling, how my dad – Jojo’s papa – must have been feeling. I’ve been trying to write about it ever since. Trying to find the right words that even come close.

In the video, you can see her teacher do a little dance in the background. You can hear our school’s PE teacher cheering her on. You can hear the awe in his voice, knowing he is witnessing the first time she’s done this.

I shared the video with pretty much everyone I know. I posted it in slack for my colleagues at work. We are a small, close knit company. One of them confessed she couldn’t stop watching it. I asked her why. Obviously, I myself couldn’t stop watching it. Most kids start walking around one year of age. Jojo was 7 at the time, which means I’ve spent the last 6 years wondering if this day would come. Her answer – she didn’t really know. She didn’t have the words either.

If no words will suffice, maybe pictures will. Check it out – Jojo Walks. Now playing.

#Au-Kline Syndrome, #AKS