On the same level

A lot has changed in our little world in the last few months. After 17 years of San Francisco living, save a two year stint in Seattle, we moved to the burbs. Just across the Golden Gate Bridge and a few miles north, it feels like a different planet. There are trees. And stars at night. There is quiet. There is plentiful parking and grocery stores that are clean, uncrowded, no high ticket items behind lock and key. Our new home has closets and the rooms are a bit bigger, easier for little scooters to navigate. And it is mostly one story. This is huge.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved our home in San Francisco. It was the first home we owned. We morphed from a twosome to a foursome there. From late night dinners and drinks with friends to early morning rises with little ones. It was narrow and tall, we called it the tower. It was built into a hill so the main floor was the garage and laundry room, the second floor was the living areas and the third floor – the bedrooms. Ideal in a lot of ways. And supremely not ideal in one way. Jojo could not navigate this home.

The greatest thing about our new home is that the main living areas and bedrooms are all on the main floor. Downstairs is a walkout with extra space for guests and a playroom.  In the mornings, after I have breakfast with Jojo and her brother, I can go back to my bedroom and bathroom to get ready for work and Jojo can follow. When her brother plays in his room she can join him when she chooses. And when he runs around she can follow. When I’m making dinner, she can scoot on in and explore the cabinets. And then she can leave when she chooses to play with dad.

The weeks and months have just flown and suddenly Jojo is approaching her third birthday A lot more will be changing. More to come on that. For now we’ll enjoy all being on the same level.

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