Theme Song

I have two important pieces of information to share: #1 If you haven’t seen the movie Sing yet, you must watch immediately. It is so great. And it really holds up. I’ve watched six times now. And #2 Jojo has a theme song, thanks to my obsession with #1. It’s the song that the Porcupine Ash performs. Which is Scarjo in real life. Anyway. It got stuck so firmly in my mind that I started listening to it on Spotify. Then I added it to my running playlist and man, does that song get me fired up. While running and listening I suddenly thought of Jojo and how it what I want to say (and what I want her to say when she can) to her low tone and resulting delays. Also I just love watching Gunter the pig rock out to this performance in the movie. The fully lyrics are here but I’ll hit the highlights that make it Jojo’s perfect song:

Got the glue in my hands and stickin’ to the plan
Stickin’ to the plan that says “I can”
Do anything at all
I can do anything at all
This is my kiss goodbye
You can stand alone and watch me fly
Cause nothing’s keeping me down
Gonna let it all up
Come on and say right now, right now, right now
This is my big hello
Cause I’m here and never letting go
I can finally see, it’s not just a dream
When you set it all free, all free, all free
And I will reach so high, shoot so far
Gonna hit, gonna hit, hit every target
It counts this time
I will make it count this time
In the movie, Ash is inspired to write this song when she breaks up with her boyfriend and is left with a broken heart. But then she realizes that they boyfriend was holding her back and she’s better off without him. It is so perfect, because Jojo will be breaking up with what is holding her back, and there is no reason why we can start singing about that right now.